Student Handbook, Dress Code & Policies
Jackson County Exceptional School
Parent Handbook
Welcome to the Jackson County Exceptional School. We are looking forward to a great school year with your child! The students will have wonderful opportunities to explore and experience many areas of learning.
Hours and Absences
The JCES school hours are from 7:00 am until 2:45 pm each day. Students will not be allowed in the building until 7:30. If your child will be absent please call the school office (228) -762-1457 and let us know.
Any inquires concerning bus transportation or bus assignments must be directed to the Department of Transportation...
Pascagoula 938-6565
Gautier 522-8828
Moss Point 475-7156
Jackson County – East Central 588-7032 and St. Martin 875-2435
A change of buses for any reason will require a call to your child’s district transportation office. The principal cannot approve any changes. PARENTS MUST FOLLOW THIS PROCEDURE – NO EXCEPTIONS.
DROP OFF AND PICK-UP - The area in front of the building is reserved for unloading buses and cars. Please do not leave your car in the front driveway of the building. This causes problems for our buses. Do not pull around a car or bus that is unloading students unless directed to do so by the person on bus duty. Parents, this year staff members will be on bus duty to escort your child to the classroom in the morning and from the classroom in the afternoon; this includes BOTH bus riders and car riders.
Illness Policy
The Center for Disease Control and the Mississippi Department of Health Recommend that parents ensure children are fever free and symptom free for AT LEAST 24 HOURS without medication before returning children to school. This will limit spreading the various germs. Please adhere to this policy and help us keep everyone happy and healthy this year.
JCES teachers and staff follow district policy for behavior and classroom management. Teachers also incorporate individual systems within their classroom (i.e. Token Economy, Give Me 5, Conscious Discipline). However, if your child is involved in a behavior problem that may require disciplinary action, you may be contacted to pick your child up for the remainder of the day. Please keep us informed of any changes that may cause different behaviors to exist. Please feel free to call us at (228) 762-1457.
The school nurse will administer all medicine/drugs. A written prescription or statement from the doctor MUST be on file. Also, we must have a signed permission slip from the parent giving the nurse permission to administer the medication.
All medications should be delivered to the school office in pre-measured, labeled doses. No student is to keep medication in his possession at school. School personnel cannot give non-prescription medicines; the parent may come to the school and administer the medication.
Please make sure you sign the Authority to Obtain/Release Information form so that the school nurse can communicate with your child’s physician about medical care. This also allows for the teacher to provide the nurse/doctor about any concerns/behavior changes that are witnessed in the classroom.
It is our goal to work with you, the family, and physician to make sure your child remains as healthy as possible.